My videos often portray some of life's deeper issues and make them more approachable, less threatening and easier to understand. As a devoted teacher, I have always used creative methods to present ideas to my students, friends and followers.
"I hope that you have the STRENGTH to leave all that is unproductive, destructive, and miserable in your life, and I hope that you have the COURAGE to welcome, to seek, and to embrace all that is good, CONSTRUCTIVE and wonderful. —Liliana Kohann
Winged Brothers ("Braciszkowie Skrzydlaci" in Polish)
I wrote this song, inspired by the life of St. Francis and a poem about him, it in 1978 when Poland was still under the communist regime. It was not until 2015 that I learned that this song had become popular in my country. I was thrilled to record it now with great musicians, Ronnie McCoury on mandolin, and members of his band, Jason Carter on Violin, and Alan Bartram, upright bass. We recorded the song and the video in Nashville, TN. Some shots of me singing are from one of the beautiful villages of Poland, Koleczkowo. Click here to see Music Video in POLISH Click here to see Music Video in ENGLISH |
Braciszkowie Skrzydlaci ("Winged Brothers" in English)
Tą piosenkę napisałam ją w 1978 roku, kiedy w Polsce panował jeszcze reżim komunistyczny. Po 32 latach życia w Stanach, dopiero w 2015 roku, dowiedziałam się, że ta piosenka stała się popularna w Polsce. To była wielka niespodzianka! Zmotywowało mnie to do nagrania Braciszków Skrzydlatych w studio, w mojej oryginalnej wersji. Ja gram na gitarze i akompaniują mi wspaniali muzycy z zespołu The Travelin' McCourys, którzy dodali trochę elementów muzyki bluegrass. Tu buy single song, click HERE. Released on YouTube 3.3.2024 |
Hidden Tears
This video captures the many emotions of healing and growth. Just as all the songs come easy to me, this song is a work of many years. As I was facing the difficult issues from my past, that song continued to heal me. Sometimes when the pain returns to me, I sing this song and it always seems to fill my heart with hope. —Liliana Video filmed in Koleczkowo, Poland. Song wa produced by Robert White Johnson. Released on YouTube 7.17.22. Released here August 6th, 2011 |
I Will Keep You In My Heart
This video is a powerful story of love broken by an oppressive communist regime during Martial Law in Poland. It was filmed in Gdansk, Poland, often using the landmarks of the actual places where Polish citizens fought for their freedom from communism. I dedicate this song to our soldiers and to all the people who have been separated from their loved ones. —Liliana To buy single song, click HERE. Released on Youtube February 24th, 2022 Released here November 10th, 2016 |
Red Wine Polka (ENGLISH version)
In this fun video about friendship, I and the members of The Travelin' McCourys perform this song in a bluegrass style. I wrote Red Wine Polka for a motion picture and originally produced it in a traditional polka style. To see on YouTube, click HERE. To see the Polish version, click HERE. To hear me talk about Red Wine Polka and play it live on Youtube, click HERE. |
A Dream
In this video, I sings my song inspired by my life behind the iron curtain and by Martin Luther King's speech. The song was written in 1986 but I only recently made it available (in 2020). The video was filmed by my son, Adrian Kohann, in the studio in Nashville and on a meadow in a beautiful Polish village. To watch on YouTube, click HERE. To learn more or to buy the downloadable song, click HERE. |
As My Vision Keeps Improving
In this symbolic video, I portray a challenging part of my life; a journey toward freedom from oppression, toward allowing myself to BE. I sings a song that represents somebody or something in our lives that makes us stagnant — an addiction, procrastination — anything that stops us from becoming whom we are meant to be. To purchase the downloadable song, click HERE. To watch on YouTube, click HERE. |
Loving You
This music video is about remembering one's first true love. The story is beautifully portrayed by Ina Bednarska, and all the gorgeous scenes were filmed by Adrian Kohann. Producing this video was, for me, like painting a living picture. Every scene is a memory from my heart — sometimes sad, sometimes happy, but always beautiful. To watch on YouTube, click HERE. |
What Did We Do To Our Love
This video was filmed in Poland. Parts were filmed in Gdansk and parts in Koleczkowo, a beautiful village near Kielno, which is 30 km from my hometown of Gdansk. I love to go there to write, create, and to spend time with my special friends and family. You can see some of them in this music video. Video was filmed by Adrian Kohann. Main characters were portrayed by Ania Przewlocka and Julian Kohann To purchase the downloadable song, click HERE. |
As My Vision Keeps Improving (LYRIC video)
This video, released on Youtube March 20th, 2013, was my very first music video. This song (originally a poem) was the beginning of my own awareness that I was living in "misery", and that awareness gave me the courage to change my life. As the lyrics helped me, I thought that it also could help others. I made this lyric video so that the profound words of the poem could be easily understood. To watch the lyric video on YouTube, click HERE. |
I love music videos or films that have deeper layers, that can have different interpretations, and that have something that INSPIRES you to reflect on your own life, or MOTIVATES you to make a POSITIVE change. I hope and dream to keep making more videos like that.